EFR, in conjunction with PADI, provides PADI's required lifesaving and first aid training. These trainings are open to everyone, not just divers. It is not required to be a diver / diver to participate in the trainings. The most enjoyable part of First Aid training is to practice important medical emergency aid skills in a positive environment with live applications. In this way, you will gain self-confidence and be ready to give first aid. Practicing the skills over and over in a stress-free environment helps keep them in mind. For participation, it is enough to care about people and want to give first aid. With the trainings you can attend when you want to progress, you can become an EFR Instructor and then a trainer trainer.
Primary First Aid
Secondary First Aid
First Aid for Children and Babies
What Do We Learn in Primary First Aid Training?
Examination of the crime scene Barrier use BSL (Lifeline) CPR (Cardiac Massage) unconscious / unconscious drowning adult Dealing with serious bleeding fight shock Combating Spinal Cord Injuries Emergency Oxygen Use – Preparation (optional) Use of AED defibrillator (Optional)
What Do We Learn in Secondary First Aid Trainings in addition to Primary Training?
Injury assessment, Disease assessment, bandaging Splinting in fractures and dislocations
First Aid for Children and Babies Education
Includes adults, children ages 1 to 8 who are hurt or sick, and how to help without harm. Adults see the differences between the practices made for children and the practices made for adults. In addition, considering the psychological state of the child, the importance and way of applying the basic emergency practices by adults with their children are explained. Secondary help includes measures for common injuries and illnesses.
Emergency First Response Care for Children trainings are determined according to the priorities applied by first aiders and medical professionals. The priorities of the educators are to give the trainings in a pleasant, calm and comfortable environment, reducing anxiety and stress, as it should be applied in the real environment. Thus, practitioners can better maintain their composure when faced with any situation. The course includes both primary and secondary aid. In the primary part, the first aider makes it possible to respond to life-threatening emergencies (such as occlusion, cardiac arrest). Secondary aid, on the other hand, focuses on what to do when the ambulance is delayed or does not arrive, in addition to the information in primary aid. Child and infant first aid course contents have been prepared based on the principles of the ILCOR Pediatric Working Group.
The certificate given at the end of the training shows that you can actively do the first half for 24 months. Afterwards, it is necessary to attend renewal trainings as skills need to be renewed, international changes must be informed and information must be reviewed.
Emergency First Aid Instructor
In Emergency First Response Instructor training, you will focus on teaching and practicing primary, secondary, and child and infant skills. You will learn how to conduct a first aid training program in an emergency by improving yourself with the recommended Multi-media tools, independent studies and classroom trainings, and lots of practice. Instructor training; Your role as an “Emergency First Aid Instructor” in your training setting; It includes how to teach performance-based primary aid, secondary aid and Child education, clear goals and performance requirements. In addition, you will learn how to motivate students, evaluate their knowledge, use the course content effectively, become a professional in skills practice sessions and have educational experiences in challenging scenario-based applications during your trainings.
18 years or older
Have completed first aid training in the past 24 months
including CPR, or Be an emergency technician, Paramedic, or medical professional
Training Periods
All Emergency First Aid Trainings are conducted based on performance, not time.
The number of participants Participants follow the objectives in accordance with the rules Instructor - Student ratio The way education is delivered The time is determined depending on the above conditions.
Primary aid (CPR) 4.5 – 6 hours
Secondary Assistance 2.5 – 3.5 Hours
Child and infant (CPR/Primary aid) 8-9 hours
AED 2-3 hours
CPR & AED 2.5 – 3 hours is determined as